Kavana LLC (“Kavana”) is a harm reduction company that provides educational and consulting services. This website, www.kavanajourney.com, (the “Website”) is owned by Kavana and describes Kavana’s services. Kavana does not provide psychoactive or controlled substances. Many controlled substances are illegal. The illegal use of a controlled substance may result in criminal consequences. Using controlled substances outside of the lawful supervision of a medical professional may also result in serious health complications including death. Kavana is not a licensed therapist, counselor, or medical professional. Kavana is not a spiritual guide or scientist. Kavana is a harm reduction company. Please use your discretion and consult a medical professional to ensure our services meet your needs. Any educational content that Kavana provides on this website and shares with you is solely informational. You are responsible for making informed decisions about the appropriate services and experiences you want support with. Kavana does not provide medical, psychological, and other professional advice or treatment. The information provided on and accessible from Kavana and the Website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment, or the prescription of any substance. This information is not a guarantee of benefits, outcomes, or cures that can be achieved. This information is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare or mental health professionals. You should not use this information for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for the prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before working with any psychedelic medicine and before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment, or care. Kavana does not encourage, aid and abet, or criminally facilitate the use of illegal substances.